An obnoxious child created by an angered god to torment a balding freak. Jeffy is a mess of Horrible pop culture references and the awful toxins from ElsaGate to kill the minds of any child who sees him, his hate towards Green Beans has begun to rot his body. He caused the collapse of SMLWIKI.COM and has now begun harming the museum... HAHAHA just kidding, it's just a puppet replica for our joke exhibits, granted he is a bit hostile He's made many threats to our works and it's starting to make us sad... Jeffy just be a good boy, please. I don't want to hurt you anymore....









Jeffy Is a burnt corpse of his former self, it's sad to see him hurt like that He only has an eye left and it pulsates in pain, His hands are malformed into sharp flesshy claws, he's always mad now

jeffy is currently the most mentally deranged and hostile character of the cast

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